Weddings can be expensive and the wedding industry captilizes on our emotional attachments to the princess fantasy. Little girls spend many years dreaming of their big day. It's easy to spend more than we can afford as we try to satisfy those dreams. But, it is possible to still show up looking like a classic bride, without maxing your (or someone else's)credit cards.
- The first step is really a mindset-be flexible. Any girl who walks down the aisle in a white dress, regardless of fabric, designer wedding dresses or price, is going to be considered a bride. Feeling and looking beautiful is not synonymous with how much you spend. So, break whatever attachment you have to your childhood expectations and enjoy the process of finding a great deal. The hunt can bring a lot of joy. Allow yourself to be surprised by your own innovation.
- Find a bridal shop in an outlet mall. Outlet centers have great deals available, but beware. Before you get a glimpse of the big mark downs, they are going to bombard you with their high margin items. They know your price guard may be down.
- When you enter the shop, put on your mental blinders...
Don't look at the window displays.
Don't look at the mannequins.
Don't look at the brides trying on gowns with their mothers.
Don't get emotional-this is a business transaction and you're going to be the one who walks out on top with a super deal. - Go straight to the ugliest clearance racks in the very back of the store. The more disheveled, the better, because the prices will be lower. You might even be lucky enough to find a dress marked down 80%, because of it's imperfections.
So what if there's a footprint on a hem.
So what if the zipper is broken.
So what if some of the bead work is missing.
These are the details which are either fixable or hide able and by the time your new husband smashes cake into your face and all over your dress, no one will care. - Have fun with this adventure; you never know what you're going to find. Go directly to items of your size on the clearance rack and pull as much as you can take with you into the dressing room, without a lot of forethought. If possible, don't even let a sales person help you, they'll just try to show you more expensive items.
- Try on every clearance gown in your size. Some of those gowns will have originally retailed for 2x,3x,4x as much. This is the time to think economics, not romance. If you want a special day with your girlfriends, where they ooh and aah as you try on gowns-this is not the day. You can always do that for fun another time. Only bring a clear headed friend/relative (or no one, if you're easily distracted)who can help you discuss the fit.
- Think Classic as you are trying on the gowns. Keep it simple and you can't go wrong. When you are looking at less expensive designs, they look OBVIOUSLY cheap when they have too many ill constructed details.
- Regardless of the style, the fit of the gown is what you want to pay the most attention to. The most cheap wedding dresses will look terrible if it doesn't fit right. In some cases, you might be able to have the dress altered.
As you try the dresses on, move around and see how you will feel dancing, sitting and walking. Comfort makes a great wedding just as much as style. - It's about how you feelDon't look back. Press forward and just get it done. If you don't find a suitable dress in your first outlet shop, try another one, or try a prom dress store. But, set a time limit; don't go round and round until you've lost sight of the goal, which is to have a lovely wedding with your husband. Really, any semi-formal white gown will suffice. IT'S NOT ABOUT THE DRESS.